What can do you do Via the Client Portal?

What can do you do Via the Client Portal?

Did you know there are multiple tools and links to help with your hosting service on hosting-australia.com? Here is a list of the extra support options you can access via the client portal. Services. Need to add SPAMprotect or an SSL to your hosting? You can easily do...
Installing Live Chat on your website

Installing Live Chat on your website

Website Live Chat: It’s not just for the big brand name companies anymore! There was a time, up until quite recently actually, when Live Chat was something you only ever saw on the big brand sites. Companies like Pet Stock, Harvey Norman and others seemed to...
What is an SSL, Do you need it?

What is an SSL, Do you need it?

Have you ever been stopped by a website telling you your connection isn’t private? Or noticed that certain URLs start with, instead of  It’s ok if you haven’t noticed before but it is something you want to start noticing, you always want to see https://...
HA’s Web Design Department

HA’s Web Design Department

Have you ever tried to draw something cool, spent five minutes on it, then realised that it looks like a toddler’s half-eaten dinner? Yeah, me too. (Although, I can build a great website!) Web Design is similar in more ways than one. Maybe you’ve tried to design a...